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Your mind has to believe, for your body to achieve.

How does the programs work and who is this for?   

The pole classes are for everyone. 

If you are starting pole classes for your first time these are the classes I encourage members to start the Intro (Beginner) classes.  If you are new to pole fitness, you can sign up for most classes. Tricks & Inverts is the only class that new member's cannot sign up for after completing at least 6 weeks of Beginner classes. 



Do I need to be flexible? 

  • You do not need to flexible. 

  • You will discover that you don't need to be flexible to connect with your feminine being.  

What do I need? 

  • We have yoga mats, you are welcome to bring your own.

  • Water.

  • Wear fitness attire: shorts are highly recommended.  Skin is the main contact for gripping the pole. 


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, including the stupid ones...stupid questions are the ones you don't ask.

Thanks for submitting!

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